Tips for Avoiding Sun Glare Accidents

When the fall arrives, daylight savings time ends and the days start getting shorter. One of the challenges for drivers (with the shorter days) is dealing with sun glare during peak driving hours. While driving to work in the morning, for example, it is not uncommon to get hit with a blast of bright sunlight after making a turn and driving east. The glare of the sun can seem blinding, and it can make it extremely difficult for drivers to see what is in front of them.

It is hard to quantify the extent to which sun glare contributes to auto accidents. Drivers are naturally very reluctant to admit that their view was inhibited by bright sunlight after a crash, and this does not always show up as a cause on a police report.

The most comprehensive data that we know of (with regards to sun glare accidents) is a study conducted by the National Institute of Health (NIH). The study looked at more than 11,000 life-threatening vehicle crashes over a 20-year period, and they examined the reasons for hospitalizations resulting from these accidents.

The NIH found that bright sunlight/sun glare was present in approximately one third of all accidents that happened during the daylight hours. This shows that, although there could be other contributing factors, sun glare is definitely a hazard that drivers need to be prepared for, particularly during the autumn and winter months when the sun rises later and sets earlier.

Is Sun Glare Considered an “Act of God”?

Some may argue that they are not liable for a sun glare accident because bright sunlight is an “act of God”. While it may be true that sunlight is part of nature and out of a driver’s control, this does not absolve the driver of responsibility if the glare of the sun were to cause them to crash the vehicle.

Events that are typically referred to as “acts of God” are those that are unpredictable and thus more difficult to prepare for. Examples would include floods, mudslides, earthquakes, or an animal that dashes out in front of an oncoming vehicle.

A driver is responsible to exercise reasonable care while operating their vehicle, and this includes preparing for events that are predictable and known to happen each day. It is not difficult to know the daily forecast and what time the sun is expected to rise and set, and therefore, a driver should be ready to deal with bright sunlight, especially if it is present on their daily drive to or from work or school.

Protecting Yourself from Sun Glare Accidents

The best way to avoid being held liable for a sun glare accident is to take steps to prevent getting into one in the first place. Here are some precautions drivers should take to avoid collisions caused by bright sunlight:

  • Wear Polarized Sunglasses: While nothing can totally eliminate the glare of the sun, polarized sunglasses do the best job of minimizing the effects of bright sunlight.
  • Clear your Windshield and Dashboard: Keep your dashboard free of clutter, especially reflective objects that can worsen the sun glare. Also, make sure to keep your windshield clean and free of streaks and marks. Have an adequate supply of window washer fluid available before you begin driving and be sure your windshield wipers are in good repair.
  • Reduce your Speed: When you get hit with bright sunlight, one of the best defenses is to slow down. By driving more slowly, you will have more time to identify other vehicles and objects that are more difficult to see because of the glare.
  • Keep your Headlights On: When there is bright sunlight present, drive with your headlights on to help other drivers see your vehicle in case they are battling sun glare.
  • Avoid Distracted Driving: It is always good practice to avoid distractions while driving, and in fact, certain distractions like texting while driving are unlawful. Do your best to eliminate other distractions, especially when you are trying to deal with sun glare.
  • Adjust your Route If Possible: While not always practical, one good way to avoid sun glare is to minimize the amount of eastbound travel in the morning and westbound travel in the evening. This might mean a simple route adjustment that allows you to spend more time traveling north or south, or it might be just a matter of leaving to or from work a little earlier or later. Take a look at your driving route and schedule to see if there are any helpful changes you could make.

Injured in a Sun Glare Accident in Alabama? Contact a Seasoned Car Accident Lawyer

Even if you employ all the best safety practices, you cannot control the actions of other motorists. If you or a loved one got hurt in an auto accident that was someone else’s fault, contact M. Adam Jones and Associates for experienced legal help. Alabama is a defendant-friendly state when it comes to personal injury claims, and it is always wise to work with an attorney with the proven ability to recover maximum compensation on behalf of their clients.

To get started, call our office today or send us a message through our online contact form. We look forward to serving you!

Do I Need a Lawyer for a No-Doubt Liability Claim?

In many car accident cases, there are complicating factors that make it difficult to determine who was at fault. There are other cases, however, when the facts are pretty straightforward, and it seems clear that one of the drivers is at fault. Sometimes referred to as “no doubt liability” cases, these are cases in which accident victims often wonder if they need an attorney to help them with their claim.

The short answer to this question is “maybe”, but it is in your best interests to find out for sure. Each case involves unique circumstances, and there are times when even what appears to be a no doubt liability case turns out to be more complicated than it originally seems. And even when there is no question over fault, the insurance company might still try to minimize the extent of your injuries so they can give you a lower settlement amount than you deserve.

No matter what the circumstances of your auto accident, it is always a good idea to at least speak with an attorney to have your case assessed and be informed of your legal rights and options. Most personal injury lawyers provide free consultations, and all it costs you is a little bit of your time to find out where you stand.

No Doubt Liability Cases

Here are some examples of cases in which the term “no doubt liability” may apply:

  • Rear-End Collisions: When there is a rear-end accident, it is often assumed that the trailing driver is the one at fault because they are in a much better position to avoid the collision. However, there are possible exceptions to this rule, such as if the lead vehicle did not have functional brake or taillights, or if the lead driver was texting on his/her phone at the time of the crash.
  • Left-Turn Accidents: A left turn crash, which is most often a “T-bone” collision, is usually the fault of the driver who is making the left-hand turn because they did not wait for traffic to clear out. But there are exceptions to this rule as well. For example, if the left turn driver has a green arrow and the oncoming driver runs a red light, then the oncoming driver is clearly the one at fault.
  • DUI Accidents: If a driver who is legally intoxicated is involved in an accident, then they will most likely be considered the responsible party because they were committing a criminal act (driving while intoxicated) at the time of the crash. Liability may not be as clear, however, if the driver had alcohol in their system but they were not over the legal limit. In a case like this, other factors would need to be looked at to determine who was to blame.

How an Attorney Can Help with a No Doubt Liability Claim

As you can see from the examples listed, a case where you believe there is clear liability may not be as simple and straightforward as you originally thought. This is where having strong legal representation is crucial. By getting an attorney involved early on, you can ensure that you do not make any missteps during the claims process that might undermine your case.

As we talked about earlier, insurance companies will do whatever they can to mitigate their losses by paying you as little as possible for your injuries. So, even if there is no doubt about who is liable, they might make other claims, such as that your injuries are not as severe as you say they are and/or that they are the result of a pre-existing condition. With an experienced attorney by your side, an insurer will not be able to get away with trying to take advantage of your lack of familiarity with the claims process.

Alabama No Doubt Liability Cases

Are you absolutely certain that this is a no doubt liability case? Because if you are wrong, you could lose out completely on your right to compensation. In Alabama, if you are found to have “contributed” in any way to the accident you were involved in (even 1%), you can be barred from recovering damages.

You can be sure that the insurance company will look for any way they can to pin at least some of the blame for the accident on you. And this is another reason why you should strongly consider obtaining legal representation, even if you believe that this is a clear-cut case.

Injured in a Car Accident in Alabama? Contact an Experienced Accident Injury Lawyer

If you or someone close to you suffered injury in an auto accident in Alabama, M. Adam Jones and Associates is here to help. We will provide a free, no obligation consultation to go over the specifics of your case and advise you of your legal rights and options. And if we do end up representing you, you will not have to pay us any attorney fees unless we recover compensation on your behalf.

Determining Liability when a Third Party Causes a Car Accident

There are approximately 6 million auto accidents in the United States each year. These accidents result in tens of thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of serious injuries. A common assumption with car accidents is that one or more of the drivers involved is at fault, but this is not always the case. There are instances when a party that is not directly involved in the accident is the one to blame, also known as a third party.

When a third party was at fault for a car accident, it is naturally going to be a more complicated case, and it will require an extensive investigation to establish a causal link between the outside party and the accident. In cases like these, it is extremely important to work with an attorney who has in-depth experience with vehicle accidents and the proven ability to hold responsible parties fully accountable. It is also important to get an attorney involved as early as possible in the case before critical pieces of evidence become more difficult to recover.

There are a number of third parties that may be held liable in an auto accident, these include:


A vehicle passenger could be at fault for a car accident if they do something that causes the driver to get into a crash. For example, a front seat passenger grabs the steering wheel and pulls it to the right while the car is traveling at a high speed. Passengers are also known for encouraging bad driving behaviors, especially among teenagers, although this would be more difficult to prove.

Vehicle Owners

Car owners are generally responsible for their vehicles, no matter who is driving. For example, if a car owner lends his/her vehicle out to someone who is inexperienced and/or irresponsible, the owner could be held responsible for negligent entrustment. The same holds true if they were to lend their car to someone who was intoxicated or did not have a valid driver’s license.

Liquor Establishments

Alabama and most other states have what are known as “dram shop” laws, which are laws that permit someone to go after a person or business that provides alcohol to an individual who was clearly intoxicated. This most often happens in a bar where the bartender continues to serve alcohol to someone who is visibly drunk. The law does not apply to every case of an intoxicated person being served drinks, however. There must be clear and convincing evidence that the person was drunk, which will usually include video footage and the testimony of witnesses.


Employers who allow employees to drive company vehicles are responsible for accidents that happened during working hours and while an employee is performing occupational duties. This may also apply when an employee is driving a personal vehicle but is acting within the course and scope of their employment.

Auto Repair/Maintenance Providers

When a mechanical failure causes a car accident, it could be the fault of a mechanic or auto repair shop. For example, negligent maintenance can occur when a mechanic installs incorrect parts, fails to identify a needed repair, or causes damage to the vehicle during the course of making a repair.

Product Makers

Some auto accidents happen because of faulty vehicle or vehicle parts. For example, newly installed brakes that failed to stop the vehicle or brand-new tires that blow out while traveling down the highway. When a vehicle defect causes a car accident, the manufacturer, distributor, or any other party within the product’s supply chain could be held responsible.

Holding a Third Party Liable for a Car Accident

As we talked about earlier, holding an outside party responsible for a vehicle accident is extremely difficult, and this type of case will be more complicated than a typical car crash where the question of liability is between two drivers. This is especially true in a state like Alabama, where the pure contributory negligence doctrine prevents an injured party (in most cases) from recovering damages if it is determined that they share any fault for the accident.

Your attorney will examine all of the relevant factors to get to the bottom of exactly what happened and attempt to create an unbreakable link between the accident and the party that caused it. To help substantiate the claim, various specialists might be brought in to serve as expert witnesses who can speak authoritatively to certain aspects of the case. Oftentimes, the role of an expert witness can be invaluable in solidifying the claim and ensuring that the injured party is able to recover maximum compensation.

Injured in an Auto Accident in Alabama? Contact an Experienced Vehicle Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one got hurt in a car accident in Alabama, you need a skilled attorney in your corner working hard to get you the full and fair compensation you deserve. As soon as possible after the accident, contact M. Adam Jones and Associates for a complimentary consultation. We will meet with you to discuss the specifics of your case to help determine who might be at fault and what your legal rights and options are.

personal injury journal

What Is a Personal Injury Journal and Why Should I Use One After an Accident?

When someone suffers injury due solely to the negligent or reckless actions of another party, they will need solid evidence to help substantiate their claim. It is very rare that a responsible party will freely admit their wrongdoing and write a check to cover full damages. Most often, an injury victim will be dealing with the at-fault party’s insurance company, whose goal is to pay out as little as possible for the claim.

Accident injury victims are entitled to compensation not only for direct economic losses such as medical bills, lost wages, and loss of earning capacity, but also for noneconomic losses such as physical pain and suffering and emotional trauma.

Showing economic damages is mainly a matter of totaling all of the expenses incurred and determining how much money the victim would have earned had it not been for the accident. Noneconomic damages are intangible and difficult to quantify. They are based on more subjective factors, such as the intensity of the physical pain that you feel from day-to-day.

The challenge for most people is to remember everything that happens on a daily basis. Recovering from an injury is a process with a natural ebb and flow – there are some days when the extreme pain and anxiety gets the best of you, while there are other days when you are more able to cope with it. This is why it is very valuable to keep a personal injury journal, because without one, it is easy to forget many of the details of what you are going through.

What is a Personal Injury Journal?

As the name implies, a personal injury journal is similar to a personal journal or diary you might maintain to keep a record of any important events in your life. Aside from the specific subject matter that you will want to include, the main difference between a personal injury journal and most other types of journals is that this one may not stay private.

If your accident injury claim ends up in court, your personal injury journal might be discoverable, meaning that you could be compelled to turn it over to the other side. So, you should always remember when you are expressing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in your journal that it may be read someday by your adversaries or even a jury. With this in mind, be sure that your entries are accurate and written as professionally as possible.

What Should a Personal Injury Journal Include?

Here are some of the most important pieces of information you should record in your personal injury journal:

  • Accident Description: You should document the particulars of the accident that caused your injury. Note the date, time, and location of the accident, and what happened immediately before, during, and after it occurred. List who was involved, who witnessed the accident, and the contact information for these witnesses. If there is a police report (which there should be), it will contain most of this information. Still, it is good to have this information documented on your own as well.
  • Medical Appointments: As you work toward recovering or reaching maximum medical improvement, you will most likely be seeing doctors and other health professionals on a regular basis. Note in your journal the date and time of each appointment and the details of what took place with each visit.
  • Medical Procedures and Treatments: Whatever surgeries, procedures, and other treatments you are receiving should also be noted in your journal. Include details about each, how they went, how they have helped you improve (if at all), medications, dosages, etc.
  • Time Missed from Work: If you have had to miss work because of your injury, take note of every day you have missed and approximately how much you have lost in gross wages.
  • Daily Discomfort and Pain: Note every day or as often as you can the level of pain you are experiencing. Describe the pain in detail, and note which activities are the most painful for you.
  • Emotional Outlook: Take note of how you are feeling emotionally during all of this. What are your concerns about the future? Are you worried that you will not be able to return to work? What about finances? Are you having trouble making ends meet?
  • Impact of Injury on your Quality of Life: Take note of the ways in which your injury has kept you from participating in activities you once enjoyed. For example, has your injury prevented you from being able to run or play sports? Do you have to burden your loved ones for rides because you are not able to drive a car?

It is important to note that, although personal injury journals are usually created in written form, there are other options that might be more suitable for you. For example, you can create an electronic journal on your computer, or you can create audio recordings on your smartphone if you are having trouble writing or typing because of your injury.

Contact an Experienced Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer to Discuss your Case

If you or a loved one suffered injury at the hands of another party, it is very important to work with a skilled and knowledgeable personal injury attorney. Your attorney will give you strong legal guidance on issues such as what to put in your personal injury journal and many others, and they will fight hard to recover the full and fair compensation you deserve.

If your injury occurred in Alabama, M. Adam Jones and Associates is here to help. Message us online or call our office today for a free consultation and case assessment. We look forward to serving you!

M. Adam Jones,

Managing Partner

M. Adam Jones & Associates, LLC

206 N. Lena St.

Dothan, AL 36303

Tel: 334-699-5599

Fax: 334-699-5588

How Will COVID-19 Impact Personal Injury Claims?

The coronavirus outbreak has taken the world by storm, prompting unprecedented actions by governments around the globe to contain the spread of the virus. Here in Alabama and in most other states, a “stay at home” order was put into place, which included prohibitions of non-essential interactions. Every area of society has been impacted by COVID-19, and this includes the court system.

Access to Alabama courts has been restricted during this time, and only emergency proceedings have been allowed to continue. That said, many hearings and depositions are now being conducted remotely via teleconferencing or videoconferencing if this option is available and all parties are able to access it.

At M. Adam Jones and Associates, we want you to know that we are fully operational and able to continue providing the strong personalized representation our clients have come to expect. We are doing most of our tasks remotely these days as we follow social distancing guidelines, but we continue to meet with clients on a daily basis using tools such as Zoom and FaceTime. We have the technology and resources to handle your case smoothly and seamlessly as we always have.

How Will my Personal Injury Claim be Affected by COVID-19?

In addition to delays in the court system, the coronavirus pandemic has created some other concerns for those who have suffered an injury that was caused by someone else:

Medical Treatment

For those who have been injured in an accident or event, getting proper medical treatment in a timely manner is critical. This is not only true from the standpoint of your health and well-being, but also in order to fulfill your legal duty to mitigate your losses after getting hurt. In addition, you will need to have extensive documentation of your injuries (both physical and emotional) in order to recover full and fair compensation.

The challenge with COVID-19 (with regards to the healthcare system) is twofold; some elective treatments have been delayed in order to focus resources on coronavirus patients, and some injury victims are apprehensive about seeking medical care when there may be COVID-19 patients in the hospitals and clinics.

With the first issue, there is not a lot that patients can do if their doctor puts a treatment or procedure on hold because of a government mandate. But the good news is that the healthcare system now has plenty of capacity in Alabama and most other places, and the states are opening up full access to elective procedures. This should allow injury victims to get the care they need.

With the second issue, it is understandable that an injury victim would be worried about contracting COVID-19 if they go in for medical care. But it is important to realize that hospitals and clinics are taking every precaution to keep their patients safe.

If there are any coronavirus patients, they are separated from others. Also, everything is sanitized, healthcare workers and patients wear masks, and patients maintain at least a 6-foot distance from each other. The bottom line here is that the risks of contracting COVID-19 if you go into see your doctor are minimal, and it is far worse (for your health and legal claim) to miss appointments and put off essential treatments that you will need to make a full recovery or reach maximum medical improvement.

Pressure to Settle the Claim

Delays with court proceedings combined with tighter finances for many who have lost their jobs because of COVID-19 could make injury victims more motivated to settle. Unfortunately, the insurance companies are aware of this as well, and many of them are making the situation worse by intentionally dragging their feet in hopes that victims will settle for far less than they deserve. Now, more than ever, those who have been injured need an experienced attorney in their corner who has a proven track record securing maximum compensation for their clients.

Statute of Limitations

In Alabama, someone who suffers an injury through no fault of their own generally has only two years to file a lawsuit against those who are responsible. If this deadline is missed, it is highly likely that the case will be thrown out of court. Two years may seem like a long time, but it can go by quickly, especially when there are delays with the courts and the likelihood that there will be a backlog in cases when everything gets reopened.

It may be that courts will extend the deadline in some cases because of the unprecedented circumstances with COVID-19, but this is not something you want to take a chance with. In all cases, it is highly recommended that you obtain experienced representation as soon as possible, so you are in the best possible position to secure a favorable result.

M. Adam Jones and Associates is Here for You

If you or someone close to you has suffered injury because of another party’s negligence or reckless actions, M. Adam Jones and Associates is ready to go to work for you. Call our office today at 334-581-9238 or message us online for a free no obligation consultation, which can be held by phone or videoconference. We look forward to serving you!

What Must I Prove to Win my Truck Accident?

Accidents with commercial trucks are some of the deadliest that occur on the roadways. When a passenger car or truck collides with a tractor-trailer that can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds when fully loaded, it can result in devastating consequences. And unfortunately, drivers and passengers of other vehicles are usually the ones that take the worst of it.

Statistics from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) show just how devastating commercial trucking accidents can be. In 2018 (the most recent year we have full records for), there were 4,136 large truck accident fatalities, which was a 31% increase over 2009, just a decade earlier. Of those who were killed in these types of crashes, 67% were occupants of cars and other passenger vehicles, 16% were occupants of big rig trucks, and another 17% were motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

The Perils of Pursuing a Truck Accident Claim

Semi-truck accident claims are far more complicated and difficult to pursue than a standard auto accident. There are several laws and regulations that govern the trucking industry, and there are typically multiple factors that may have contributed to the accident. And because these accidents often involve severe injuries, trucking companies and their insurers expend a lot of resources fighting these claims in an attempt to mitigate their losses.

If you or someone close to you was injured in an accident with a big rig truck, it is highly recommended that you get an experienced attorney involved at your earliest possible convenience. This is especially true in a state like Alabama, where an injured party can be barred from recovering damages even if there are found to be only 1% at fault for the underlying accident. With strong legal counsel in your corner, you can help ensure that your right to recover full and fair compensation is protected and preserved.

An attorney who has extensive experience with commercial truck accident cases will also have in-depth knowledge of the laws and regulations that may be applicable to the case, and the numerous factors that might have caused the accident. In addition, they will have dealt with the various tactics and tricks the other side typically uses, and they will know how to successfully overcome them in order to help you recover the compensation you deserve.

What Must be Proven to Win my Truck Accident Claim?

After your commercial trucking accident injury, your lawyer will go to work immediately to conduct a thorough investigation and identify all contributing factors. Some important pieces of evidence that will need to be looked at include:

  • The condition of your vehicle and the visible damage that helps show how the crash occurred;
  • The official police report;
  • The semi-truck inspection and maintenance logs to show if the truck was not properly maintained;
  • The information and monitoring data for the truck driver that may show if they were in violation of federal Hours of Service guidelines;
  • Information from the cargo/shipping company showing whether or not the amount of cargo exceeded weight limits;
  • The results of any unplanned alcohol or drug tests that were conducted on the driver;
  • Any information regarding vehicle product recalls or indications of defective or dangerous products that may have contributed to the accident;
  • Your medical report, which will help confirm the extent of your injuries from the accident.

Some or all of this and other important information will be critical to the success of your case. And it may show fault not only on the part of the driver, but other parties as well; such as the trucking company that employs the driver, the shipping company that loaded the truck, the party responsible for maintaining the truck, and the manufacturer or distributor of a faulty vehicle or vehicle part.

Unfortunately, certain pieces of information that may be harmful to the defendant have a tendency to “disappear” over time. To help prevent this type of situation from occurring, your lawyer can send a “spoliation of evidence” letter to the appropriate parties requesting that all evidence and information that is relevant to your case be preserved. If a party fails to adhere to a spoliation letter, it makes it look as if they are trying to hide something, which will reflect very poorly on them if the case ends up in court.

Injured in a Large Truck Crash in Alabama? Contact a Seasoned Dothan, AL Truck Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one suffered injury in a commercial trucking accident in Alabama, M. Adam Jones and Associates is here to help. We will go to work immediately to pursue maximum compensation, and to ensure that all those responsible are held fully accountable. Message us online or call our office today at 334-581-9238 to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys.

Common Forms of Nursing Home Abuse

When an aging loved one is no longer able to care for themselves, family members often have no other practical choice than to place them in a nursing facility. By doing so, they place their loved one’s care and quality of life in the hands of those who operate and work for the facility. Sadly, far too many nursing homes have violated their duty to provide even a minimum standard of care to their residents, and this problem has only gotten worse in recent years.

According to a U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report published last year, the number of cited abuse in nursing home facilities more than doubled over a five-year period from 2013 through 2017. In addition, the GAO found that nearly 43% of the abuse deficiencies in 2017 were cited at the highest levels of severity, compared with only 32% in 2013.

It is not hard to see why cases of nursing home abuse are on the rise. Our population is aging, and an average of 10,000 Americans turn 65 years old every single day. At the same time, there has been consolidation in the nursing home industry as well as an increase in the number of for-profit facilities. To top it all off, we have an extremely tight labor market that makes it more difficult to adequately staff nursing facilities, and those who are hired tend not to be properly vetted or trained for their positions.

One of the most alarming findings from the GAO report was the widespread lack of enforcement when an incident of nursing home abuse occurs. They found that enforcement actions are imposed but not implemented in about one-third of reported nursing home abuse cases, and in only 8% of all reported cases, an enforcement action is actually implemented. This means that in roughly 92% of abuse cases that get reported, nothing of any consequence is done about it.

What are the Most Common Types of Nursing Home Abuse?

The GAO places abuse perpetrated upon nursing home residents into three general categories:

  • Physical Abuse: Pushing, punching, hitting, slapping, beating, and striking a resident/patient with an object are some examples of physical abuse that occur frequently in nursing facilities. This type of abuse tends to happen because many nursing home employees lack the temperament needed to work with the elderly. They get frustrated, fly off the handle, and take out their frustrations on those under their care. Of course, there are some that simply do this because of poor character.
  • Verbal/Psychological Abuse: Nursing facility residents depend heavily on their caregivers to meet all of their needs. This makes them extremely vulnerable to various forms of verbal and psychological abuse. These may include insults, threats, intimidation, humiliation, and harassment. A caregiver may also isolate a resident/patient by ignoring them or keeping them from visiting with other residents.
  • Sexual Abuse: As hard as it is to imagine, sexual abuse happens to the elderly in nursing facilities far more frequently than most people realize. According to a CNN investigation from a couple years back, more than 1,000 nursing facilities throughout the country were cited for mishandling suspected cases of sexual abuse. This type of abuse can come in many forms, including inappropriate touching or fondling, sexual harassment or humiliation, forced nudity, and assault. Many predators see the elderly as easy targets, particularly those with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia who may have difficulty remembering what happened or getting anyone to believe their story.

Was your Loved One Abused in an Alabama Nursing Home? Contact M. Adam Jones and Associates for Assistance

With so many of the elderly being subjected to nursing home abuse, family members need to be ever vigilant in ensuring that this does not happen to their loved ones. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to be proactive and stay as involved as possible in their care. Visit them frequently, get to know their caregivers, and speak with their caregivers and supervisors regularly. By doing this, you will demonstrate to the facility that you expect nothing less than the best quality of care for your aging loved one.

If you have good reason to believe that your loved one is being abused, you need to take steps right away to put a stop to this. Report nursing home abuse to the proper authorities, and if your loved one is in immediate danger, call 911. Next, contact us to discuss your legal options. Call us today at 334-581-9238 or messages online to speak with a member of our legal team about your case. You may also stop by our Dothan, AL office in person at your convenience. We look forward to serving you!

parking lot and garage car accidents in dothan al

Collisions in Parking Lots and Parking Garages

Injuries from auto accidents are among the most common types of personal injuries. There are approximately 11 million motor vehicle accidents in the United States each year, which averages out to more than 30,000 per day. The accidents that get the most attention are the ones that occur on the roadways, and for good reason. But crashes in parking lots and garages can also be deadly, and they happen more often than most people realize.

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), there are more than 50,000 crashes that occur in parking lots and garages annually, resulting in more than 500 deaths and tens of thousands of injuries. And because these accidents often involve pedestrians, many of the injuries that occur are serious and debilitating, leaving victims with a lifetime of medical expenses and a severely diminished quality of life.

Part of the problem with parking areas is that drivers fail to understand how dangerous they can be. While it is true that motorists drive more slowly through lots and garages, they are also driving in more compact and enclosed areas with a disproportionately high number of pedestrians walking nearby. Everyone who parks their car has to get out and walk to and from wherever they are going, so there is a continual flow of pedestrians that drivers need to be aware of.

Common Causes of Parking Area Collisions

Crashes in parking lots and garages are almost always preventable. A majority of them are caused by a driver, and when that is the case, they tend to happen for one of two reasons; stress or distractions.

People are always in a hurry these days, and when they enter a parking area, they are usually in a rush to find a spot. When they drive around for a while and cannot find one, the frustration builds, and the driver can become more aggressive. This is especially true during the holidays when shoppers are out in full force and parking lots and garages fill up quickly.

Distracted driving is another major contributor to parking area accidents. A public opinion poll conducted by the NSC found that a majority of drivers allow themselves to be distracted when they are driving through a lot or garage. Here are some of the highly disturbing findings from the poll:

  • 66% of adult motorists say they would make phone calls when driving through parking areas;
  • 63% say they would program a GPS system;
  • 56% say they would send a text;
  • 52% say they would use social media;
  • 50% say they would send or receive emails;
  • 53% say they would be more likely to engage in personal grooming;
  • 49% say they would take photos or watch videos.

Teen drivers are less likely to be on the phone than adult drivers, but they are more likely to engage in personal grooming and in various types of electronic activity on their smartphones.

Distracted walking is a problem that can contribute to parking lot and garage accidents as well. Many pedestrians are also tempted to spend time on their smartphones doing various activities, and this can cause them to miss important things that are happening around them, such as a vehicle passing by.

Some accidents may be the fault of a party that is not directly involved, such as the owner or manager of a parking garage. For example, some lots and garages have faulty designs with confusing signs that point in multiple directions and parking spaces that are too small for an average-sized vehicle to safely park in. Parking lot maintenance is another common issue, especially with slip and fall pedestrian accidents that may be caused by potholes, cracks in the cement, uneven pavement, and similar issues.

Proving Fault in a Parking Lot or Garage Accident

Parking area injury claims can be highly complicated, and it is often difficult for victims to recover compensation. This is especially true in states like Alabama, where an injured party can be barred from covering compensation if they are found to be even 1% at fault for the underlying accident.

This does not mean it is impossible to win cases like these, but it does mean you need to be proactive and get an experienced attorney involved as early as possible after the accident. By retaining strong legal counsel right away, steps will be taken to uncover critical facts and preserve important pieces of evidence, so your right to recover just compensation for your injuries can be fully protected.

Injured in a Parking Area Accident in Alabama? Contact a Skilled and Knowledgeable Auto Accident Lawyer

If you or someone close to you has been injured in a parking lot or parking garage collision, M. Adam Jones and Associates is ready to go to work for you! Call our office today at 334-581-9238 to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys. You may also message us online or stop by our Dothan, AL office in person at your convenience.

Does Distracted Driving Cause More Motorcycle Accidents?

Statistics indicate that the answer to this question is “yes”. For the past couple decades, fatalities from motorcycle accidents have been on the rise. During the 1990s, the average motorcycle accident fatality rate was under 3,000 per year. During the first decade of the new millennium, this number began to increase steadily, and in 2007, the number of motorcycle accident fatalities exceeded 5,000 for the first time. 

Coincidentally (or maybe not such a coincidence), 2007 was the year Apple introduced the iPhone. And since that time, the use of smartphones has become widespread not only in the U.S., but throughout the world. The vast majority of motorists now have them, and today, motorcycle accident fatality rates are consistently at or near the 5,000 mark.

What is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving can be anything that diverts a driver’s attention from the road. Motorists have always had distractions to contend with, and this has always been something that could lead to accidents. Some examples of common driver distractions that have been around for a while include eating, drinking, tuning the car radio, staring too long at billboards and other road signs, grooming, talking with passengers, and talking on the phone.

These distractions can fall into one or more of four general categories:

  • Manual
  • Visual
  • Audio
  • Cognitive

The distractions mentioned above usually fall into only one or two of these categories. And they can still be very hazardous under the wrong set of circumstances. But smartphone activity while behind the wheel brings distracted driving to a whole new level. 

Texting while driving, looking through emails and social media apps, watching YouTube videos, and even reading a GPS navigation map are activities that can simultaneously distract drivers in three or four different ways. This means that the driver’s attention is diverted completely from the road, and the end result is far more instances when motorists put others on the road in danger.

To put into perspective how dangerous electronic activity on a smartphone is, consider that if you look down at your phone for just five seconds to send a text while driving 55 miles per hour, it is the equivalent of driving the entire length of a football field with your eyes closed. When drivers regularly engage in this type of activity, it is much easier not to notice important things are happening on the road.

Distracted Driving and Motorcycle Accidents

According to a 2017 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel report, distracted driving is now a contributing factor in as many as 40% all motorcycle accidents in the United States. Because motorcycles have such a small profile, seeing them has always been a challenge for other motorists. This is why there has been an ongoing public awareness campaign for many decades to help address this concern.

Smartphone activity has apparently made this problem far worse. When a driver is looking down at their phone, it is very easy not to see a motorcycle that enters their blind spot. This can result in more collisions when the driver tries to change lanes or make a turn. This also increases the likelihood that the driver looking at their phone will weave into another lane, resulting in an accident.

Motorcyclists are already at higher risk of serious injuries and fatalities when they collide with another vehicle. Bikers do not have a steel cage to protect them when they are involved in a crash, and there is not much that separates their bodies from hitting the pavement. This is one of the major reasons why motorcycle deaths are 28 times more frequent (per 100,000 miles traveled) than with occupants of other vehicles.

With the increased risk of distracted driving accidents, motorcyclists need to do everything they can to protect themselves from distracted motorists. Here are some ways for bikers to stay safer on the road:

  • Wear bright or reflective clothing;
  • Always keep your lights on even during the day;
  • Always make eye contact with other motorists before you cross in front of them;
  • Look for signs that a motorist may be distracted, such as weaving over the center line, weaving back and forth between lanes, and staying at a stop sign or stoplight for too long;
  • Refrain from distracted driving yourself.

Contact an Experienced Alabama Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Even if you follow all the best safety practices, you cannot control the driving behavior of others. If you or someone close to you was involved in a motorcycle accident that was caused by another party, you deserve to be fully compensated. To help ensure you recover full and fair compensation, it is best to work with a seasoned personal injury lawyer.  

If the accident occurred in Alabama, call M. Adam Jones and Associates at 334-581-9238 to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys. You may also message us through our web contact form or stop by our Dothan, AL office in person at your convenience.

5 Things to Do if You are in an Accident with a Commercial Vehicle

Getting into an accident with an 18-wheeler can be a devastating experience. Accidents between a commercial vehicle and a regular passenger vehicle typically do not go well for occupants of the passenger vehicle. Big rig trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds or more when they are fully loaded, and the sheer force of colliding with this type of vehicle at even medium speeds can result in serious injuries.

Immediately after the collision, you are most likely in a state of shock. Whenever we encounter a situation like this, our heart rate accelerates, and our mind starts to race in a million different directions trying to figure out what all this means. As you look out at the damage caused to your vehicle, you may be sitting there wondering whether or not you can even get out of your car.

The first thing you need to do is breathe deeply and collect your thoughts. Yes, this is a crisis situation, but you can get through it. And the actions you take right after the accident will be critical in securing everyone’s safety and protecting your right to take legal action against the party (or parties) responsible.

Whether you are reading this on your mobile phone immediately after a collision with a semi-truck or you are doing research to prepare for an event like this in the future, we are going to give you five important steps that you should take if you are involved in an accident with a commercial vehicle:

Safety First

The top priority before anything else is to make sure that anyone who may have been injured in the accident receives prompt medical attention, and this includes yourself. Symptoms for some injuries may not show up right after the accident, and this can be true of even more serious injuries such as internal bleeding. Call 911 immediately and get an ambulance to the accident scene before too much time passes.

Bring the Police

In addition to medical personnel, the police should also be summoned to the scene of the accident, especially if there are any injuries, which is more likely when a large commercial vehicle is involved. Having the police there is not only important to help secure the accident scene and get the vehicles and their occupants away from oncoming traffic, but also to create an official accident report. This report will most likely be a critical piece of evidence to help determine how the accident happened and who was at fault.

Gather Information

While the police will create an official report, you should create your own accident report as well.  Start by exchanging information with the truck driver. Make sure you obtain their name, contact information, driver’s license number, insurance information, the name and contact number of their employer (if they are employed), and U.S. DOT serial number (if it is available).

If you are physically able, you will also want to take several photographs of the accident scene showing as many angles as possible. In addition, write your own report of what happened, so you can compare it to the police report later and ensure that their report has no inaccuracies. If you are unable to write at the moment, use the voice recorder in your smart phone to create an audio report that you can transcribe later.

Obtain Statements from Witnesses

The testimony of eyewitnesses is another important piece of evidence that you will want to obtain.  If there are any individuals who saw the accident, try to obtain statements and contact information from them right away. In many instances, a witness will allow you to record an audio or video statement on the spot, which helps ensure that their immediate recollection of events is preserved.

Be Careful What You Say

While interacting with the truck driver, police, witnesses, and anyone else, it is important to be very careful how you discuss the accident. Do NOT, under any circumstances, admit fault or apologize for it. In Alabama you can be barred from receiving compensation if you are found to have “contributed” in any way to the accident, even 1%. Be polite, courteous, and empathetic, but never admit any wrongdoing – leave the determination of fault for the experts to sort out.

Contact a Seasoned Alabama Truck Accident Lawyer

Commercial vehicle accident cases are complex and challenging to pursue. There are numerous governing laws and regulations that may apply, and there are several parties that could be responsible (for the accident). If you have been injured in a trucking accident, you need a lawyer who not only has personal injury experience, but who also has extensive experience with these types of cases and the proven ability to successfully recover full and fair compensation.

Call M. Adam Jones and Associates at 334-581-9238 to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. You may also message us through our online contact form or stop by our Dothan, AL office in person at your convenience.